Dear friends and partners!
The Republic of Adygea is a dynamically developing region with significant agro—industrial and tourist potential for expanding investment activities. Favorable climatic conditions, the availability of minerals and fertile lands have determined priorities in the development of the region's economy — the industrial sector, the agro-industrial complex and tourism.
The main strategic direction of the republic's development is investment activity. This work is being carried out together with entrepreneurs interested in expanding their business. Comfortable conditions have been created in Adygea for the growth and strengthening of investment and production activities, new tools and measures of state support are being introduced. The Enem Industrial Park has been created in Adygea, which provides tax preferences to investors.
Our region is a reliable business partner, open to constructive interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation. May your most daring projects and decisions come to life in the beautiful land of Adygea!
Head of the Republic of Adygea
Murat Karalbievich Kumpilov
The joint stock company 'Development Corporation of the Republic of Adygea' is one of the organizations of the infrastructure of state support for small and medium-sized businesses in the region. The goal of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Adygea is to provide support in the implementation of large-scale projects and interaction with investors, to optimize the process of investor entry into region.
The park is in the process of creation. It is located on the territory of the Takhtamukai district of the Republic of Adygea, within the boundaries of the village of Druzhny and occupies 193 hectares of industrial land. The park is designed to promote the development of industry and the economy of the region by locating enterprises on its territory.
The park is in the process of creation. It is located on the territory of the Takhtamukai district of the Republic of Adygea, within the boundaries of the village of Druzhny and occupies 193 hectares of industrial land. The park is designed to promote the development of industry and the economy of the region by locating enterprises on its territory.
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